Case Studies
Commercial Composting with SCD ScentGuard
SCD ScentGuard Applied to Reduce Odor of a Dairy Manure Lagoon
Sludge Reduction and Cost Savings in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility with SCD ScentGuard
Water Quality Improvement and Odor Control with SCD ScentGuard™ in Wastewater Treatment Tannery Plant
Evaluation of Odor Control Results from a Surface Flux Chamber Testing Conducted with SCD SG on Liquid Waste Material
Effects of SCD Bio Ag on soil microbial activity biomass and enzymatic activity in field study
SCD Bio Ag® Used to Accelerate Composting Time
Strawberry Yield and Quality Improvement with SCD Bio Ag (3 trials)
Tomato Trial with SCD Bio Ag®
Effect of SCD Probiotics® Products to Poultry Outputs Compared with Control Treatment Applications
Effects of SCD Bio Livestock on Growth Performance of Piglets
SCD Comparative Trial Results, SCD Bio Livestock® for Broilers
Impact of SCD Bio Livestock® on Broiler Chicken Productivity